Dr. Lioba Pieterse
Medical Center for Kidneys & Blood Pressure Management
Dr. med. Lioba Pieterse
I was born in Heidelberg and studied Medicine in Berlin and Lausanne, as well as at the University of Chicago and the Mount Sinai Hospital New York City (NYC). I did my medical thesis and Internal Medicine Specialization at Charité Berlin. After my postdoc focusing on kidney transplantation at University hospital Basel Switzerland, I did further specialization in Nephrology at the University Hospital Hamburg, where I completed my board exam in Nephrology.
In the following two years I practiced as Diving Medicine Officer and as GP in tropical countries as Tanzania, Seychelles, Malediven’s and Indonesia before moving to Heidelberg where I continued further Specialization in Rheumatology at University Hospital Heidelberg.
Since practicing in the Medical Office for Immunology and Rheumatology Heidelberg I take care not only of people with rheumatic diseases and autoimmune disorders but also kidney diseases. Driven by my enthusiasm and experience for nephrology I established the Medical Center for Kidneys and Blood Pressure Management. Here I am able to offer my patients now a deeper approach for their medical problems including a complete Renal Check, Blood pressure management and Internal Medicine consultation.
Abitur Elector Friedrich High School Heidelberg
Studied and licensed to practice medicine at the Charité, University Medicine Berlin
2001 - 2008
Doctorate and further training as a specialist in internal medicine at the Charité Berlin, Clinic for Internal Intensive Care Medicine and Nephrology
(Prof. U Frei, Prof KU Eckhardt)
2008 - 2011
Further training as a specialist in nephrology, University Medical Centre Hamburg Eppendorf
(Prof RAK Stahl)
2011 - 2015
Specialist and senior physician work as a nephrologist, tropical and diving doctor abroad and in the Heidelberg region
Designation Hypertensiologist, DHL®
(DHL = German Hypertension League)
Started working as an internist in the rheumatology practice in Heidelberg
(PD Dr. B. Heilig)
2018 - 2019
Further training in rheumatology, Heidelberg University Hospital, specialist in rheumatology
(Prof. Dr. HM Lorenz)
Foundation of the Medical Center for Kidneys & Blood Pressure Management
1997 Alpine Ski Teacher (DSV)
2007 Diploma of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene (London School of Tropical Medicine)
2011 Diving Medicine Officer (German Society of Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine)
Federation of German Internists (Bund Deutscher Internisten)
German Society of Nephrology (Deutschen Gesellschaft für Nephrologie)
German Ligue for Hypertension (Deutsche Hochdruckliga)
German Society of Rheumatology (Deutschen Gesellschaft für Rheumatologie)
Rheumazentrum Heidelberg
Scientific publications
(until 2012 under L Schewior)
Fever in systemic lupus erythematosus: disease exacerbation or infection? Lorenz HM, Pieterse L, Rüter T, Lorenz F. Z. Rheumatologie, 2020 May;79(4):325-331. Review
Belatacept nach Nierentransplantation unter Vermeidung von Steroiden. Schewior LV, Der Nephrologe 6, 159-161 (2011). Springer Verlag 2011
Make the grade for Wegener's Granulomatosis after kidney transplantation. Schewior L, Dragun D, and Schaeffner E, NDT Plus, 2009. 2(3):199-204.
The challenge of Wegener's granulomatosis after kidney transplantation. Schewior L, Dragun D, and Schaeffner E, Transplant International, 2009. 22(4):503-5.
Efficacy of Islet Cell Transplantation into Bone Marrow (Os femoris) Compared to Portal Liver Engraftment and Full Organ Transplantatio. Junge G, Duschka R, Kohler S, Pratschke S, Neuhaus P, Schewior L, Am J Transplantation, 2008, Vol 8, Supp 2:236-237
Urinary Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) in brain-dead kidney donors indicates post transplant graft function. Schewior L, Junge G, Reinke P, Neuhaus P and Pratschke J. ESOT Prague, Transplant International, 2007 Sept Vol 20, Supp 2: 250
Acute renal failure after liver transplantation: incidence, etiology, therapy, and outcome. Junge G, Schewior LV, Kohler S, Neuhaus R, Langrehr JM, Tullius S, Kahl A, Frei U, Neuhaus P. Transplant Proc., 2006 Apr;38(3):723-4.
The influence of late acute rejection episodes on long-term graft outcome after liver transplantation. Junge G, Tullius SG, Klitzing V, Schewior L, Pratschke J, Radke C, Neuhaus R, Neuhaus P. Transplant Proc. 2005 May;37(4):1716-7.
Withdrawal of steroids: a randomized prospective study of prednisone and tacrolimus versus mycophenolate mofetil and tacrolimus in liver transplant recipients with autoimmune hepatitis. Junge G, Neuhaus R, Schewior L, Klupp J, Guckelberger O, Langrehr JM, Tullius S, Neuhaus P, Transplantat Proc. 2005 May;37(4):1695-6.
Acute effects of N-acetylcysteine on skeletal muscle microcirculation following closed soft tissue trauma in rats. Schaser KD, Bail HJ, Schewior L, Stover JF, Melcher I, Haas NP, Mittlmeier T, J Orthop Res. 2005 Jan;23(1):231-41.
Massive haemolysis after intramuscular diclofenac in a patient who apparently tolerated oral medication. Ahrens N, Schewior L, Garbe E, Kiesewetter H, Salama A, Vox Sang. 2004 Jan;86(1):71-4.
Small volume hypertonic hydroxyethyl starch reduces acute microvascular dysfunction after closed soft-tissue trauma. Mittlmeier T, Vollmar B, Menger MD, Schewior L, Raschke M, Schaser KD., J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2003 Jan;85(1):126-32.
Local cooling restitutes microvascular hemodynamics following severe soft tissue trauma. Mittlmeier T, Schewior L, Menger MD, Vollmar B, Schaser K, Trans Ortho Res 2000 46:94.
Nitric oxide Donor N-acetylcystein ameliorates skeletal muscle microcirculation following closed soft tissue injury. Schaser K, Vollmar B, Menger MD, Schewior L, Haas N, Duda G and Mittlmeier T, Trans Orth Res Soc 1999 46:324
In vivo analysis of microcirculation following closed soft-tissue injury. Schaser KD, Vollmar B, Menger MD, Schewior L, Kroppenstedt SN, Raschke M, Lubbe AS, Haas NP, Mittlmeier T. J Orthop Res., 1999 Sep;17(5):678-85.
Protektion der Mikrozirkulation nach schwerem geschlossenem Weichteilschaden durch i.v.-Infusion hyperosmolarer-hyperonkotischer Lösung: Schewior L, Schaser K, Vollmar B, Duda G, Hoffmann J, Mittlmeier T. H z d Unfallchirurg, 1998 272: 678-679.
Promotionsthema: Die Mikrozirkulation im Weichteilschaden. In vivo analysis of microcirculation following closed soft-tissue injury using fluorescence microscopy. Universitätsklinikum Charité Berlin, Klinik für experimentelle Unfallchirurgie. Magna cum laude. 2003